Hotel Portanuova Assisi

Have the time of your life in Assisi! What to see in Assisi in two days

Assisi is able to give you a sense of absolute serenity!

A city inextricably linked with its saints Francis and Clare, in Assisi you will discover a very interesting cultural route by visiting the basilicas of St. Francis and St. Clare, the Temple of Minerva, the Rocca Maggiore, the Porziuncola… The medieval Umbria, the mystical Umbria of St. Francis and St. Clare, the ancient Umbria of Etruscan and Roman people. You won’t have anything else to think about but enjoying the history, the art and the atmosphere of this unique place. We will give you your itinerary to explore the city, and we can agree on unmissable guided tours to learn about one of the many aspects of Assisi, the one that inspires you the most!

Our proposal in premium rate, includes:

-Rooms equipped with all comforts and arranged with care and taste / discover on our site our fabulous Superior or our nice Comfort

-Breakfast with sweet and savory delicacies, typical food, yogurt, fresh / dried fruit, juices, homemade cakes, coffee and more and more…

-Private Parking at the hotel included

-The first equipment minibar in the room included

Contact us for full details! Writing to, or calling 075.812405